I feel like a old Korean Tang Soo Do 당수도 instructor. Let me explain, please. I have been given the most wonderful opportunity to advise, relate to, and comfort wives of chefs from all over the world using this blog. But what happens when the chefswives I know have mastered their relationships and no long need me (or this blog) anymore? What happens when the chef's new schedule gives him nights and weekends off and his chefwife no longer surfs the web for answers, but has dinner with her chef? I'm so jealous. The student no longer needs the teacher.
I want you all to be happy with rich, rewarding, meaningful relationships. But I also want to be needed. Who doesn't?
Got the Zagat card, Hilary -- thanks!
Also, you never know who is going to be googling "living with a chef" or "dating a chef", etc. That's how I found you, and then I promptly dug through your archives and was absolutely enlightened/instantly comforted. You may not be receiving as much feedback from your "regular readers" these days, but I would certainly not feel like you need to only respond to us. Keep the posts coming for those that will stumble upon this site like I did. Can we help brainstorm topics to write posts about..? Like my e-mail about resumes..
No nights and weekends off scheduled in the upcoming decade for our household.
I don't seem to be fitting in with the "mom crowd," so this is my niche in society - a chef's wife. I'm glad I have your blog to read and relate to!
Don't worry, we'll always need the blog! And I agree with Alyssa. No end in sight to nights for me, but it's OK. The chef loves his job, and really, how many people can say that? I admire his passion and dedication. We have Sundays and Mondays off together, so that's great. And just moved in to a new apartment. Hooray for chefwives!
Well, when I first found your blog, I really didn't need you... I was spoiled with my chef in a corporate job, who was home cooking for me every night. But now that he is back in a restaurant (where he belongs!), I soooo need you. The novelty of all the time to myself is wearing off fast... and I'm realizing that no one really understands what I'm going through better than other chef wives. :-)
So thank you for being here!!
we do need you!
And even though at the moment, it seems like I'm one of those who "mastered their relationships.. and the chef's new schedule gives him (most) nights and weekends off", I still surf the web and love reading your blog.
I am fully aware of the fact that was stated earlier here: chefs change their jobs more frequently than they do their underwear, so I am enjoying the time at the moment but I might be back in the ring before long.
I'm sure you'll manage to work it out one day too, at least for a while, to spend a bit more time with each other. By that time, I might be the one who's home alone again..
Oh we do need you Hilary! Your posts give enlightenment, perspective, and humor to this crazy life of ours. Keep it up!
Thanks so much ladies for pulling me out of that semi-slump. Chefs' schedules change like the moon and you never know when you'll be chef-full or chef-less and in need of a chefwife.
"What happens when the chef's new schedule gives him nights and weekends off and his chefwife no longer surfs the web for answers, but has dinner with her chef?"
In what happy little land does this schedule exist? do the birds sing sweeter? the flowers smell yummier, my butt look smaller? it sounds like heaven....fairyland.....
Oh sista' don't you worry there will always be a group of us that understand...and need...
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