I was sent a couple more packages from the folks at POM Wonderful. The first one was a new iced coffee drink. No, no, no, it doesn't taste like pomegranate. But like their line of pomegranate juices, it has tons of antioxidants,not to mention hormone free milk, organic sugar cane, and no preservatives. Since I'm
preggers I can't really drink the stuff but Erik was more than willing to test out the new drinks. Those adorable bulbous containers really pack a punch. Erik was
caffeinated after finishing and also like drinking it. I took a little taste too of the chocolate flavor and it didn't taste like it was mixed with a "chocolate" concoction, but real milk chocolate. Tasty.
The second package POM sent was two new juice flavors. It was the regular pomegranate juice with nectarine and kiwi flavors added. I
definitely liked drinking them, again in those adorable bulbous containers. But I think I like the original pomegranate better. However, if the pure
pomegranate juice is a bit too strong for you, then the kiwi or nectarine is perfect. It doesn't taste watered down, just less strong.
No matter what they put out, I just love the POM line of drinks.
Food is Love,
Check out their website at
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