Speak Up

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year! or Bring it on, 2008

In just a few short hours 2007 will be just a memory, a short moment in our long lives. So, as tradition has it we are supposed to make a list of things that we suck at and need to improve on. Honestly, I usually don't make resolutions; I was always so tired of the annoying local new anchors gabbing about the SAME ones over and over again. Yes, most of us should drink less, exercise more, and eat healthy. But here are a list of my very own resolutions, no kidding.

***1. Save money to move out of tiny rental condo and BUY a new, owned tiny condo. (This is the big one!)

2. Keep the DCW active and exciting.

3. Pick less battles with chefhusband.

4. Get more haircuts.

5. Break down, and learn to cook for myself. (Things that come in a box won't count)
6. Read more books, starting with "Simmer Down" by Jessica Conant-Park and amazing
chefwife author. (post on book to come later)
7. Meet more phenomenal wives!
8. Travel to Brooklyn.
9. Visit DC on Spring break.
10. Stop meddling in chefhusband's business that is not meant for me.
And your resolutions?
sorry for annoying spacing errors. Resolution number eleven: become a master blogger.

Friday, December 28, 2007

New Years, Sans the Chef

Well, its that time of the year. Holiday parties with houses decorated in gold and red, bottles and bottles of champagne purchased and chilled and the chefs working harder than any other time between January 2nd and Thanksgiving. It's so hardening to think that my chefhusband is starting to associate the most magical time of year with being overworked and left alone. (Can you blame me for that though? If he's working on Thanks, Christmas, and NYs Eve then I'm home with the family.)

I'll be with my chefwife pal, J somewhere in the city. If she wasn't going to be available-I was going to work at his restaurant and check coats. Loser right? Not that checking coats is a loser thing to do, I was actually looking forward to it. But the fact of the matter is-its my chefwife pal or nothing. This time last year I had just moved to Jersey City so I was still settling in. I think I spent New Years unpacking and organizing-hey, at least that was therapeutic and productive.

So what are you plans? I am taking upon myself to assume that your chefs will be slaving away at a special New Years menu in a dark dungeon kitchen as well.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

I stole something...

Today I was in the Costco in P-town, Ohio shopping for refreshments of a sweet nature for an event tomorrow night. My step-dad is playing his annual advent concert at Liberty Presbyterian Church (where I was married) and we were picking up some obviously large quantities of cookies. As we got out of the car we saw a woman drive away,leaving something in her cart. She pushed the cart into the "cart parking spot" leaving a glowing bag of blood oranges behind.

Then we took them.


So was it wrong? Did I really steal? If so,who from? The woman? She left them.Yes I know, the most absolute righteous thing to do would have been to bring them into the store and give them to lost and found: produce division. But I didn't. So what right?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tis The Season (for Chinese food)

Wow, December is flying by fast. I do apologize for not being as attentive to the blog as I normally am. I've got gifts to buy and wrap, a trip to pack for, a holiday concert to get going, and I've just been bogged down. I know you are all really busy, too so I'm empathizing.

I just went grocery shopping with the chefhusband and bought him a ton of extra stuff to last while I'm "home for the holidays" in Ohio. I take the car so he's left to his own defenses. That means the Chinese restaurant will be on standby all week. You would think a chef could handle a week of making his own food, or EATING AT HIS OWN RESTAURANT! Oh well.

Happy Holidays to You and Yours,

more to come later, I promise.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Photo Courtesy: Me!

Last minute shopping? Don't fret or fear, Jules is here!

My most favorite chefwife, J has finally released her line of earrings on etsy.com. She designs and creates each piece with such careful consideration that these earrings will feel like they were made just for you.

I mean, how festive do those blue pearls, aquamarine and crystals look? And $16 for a one of a kind, handmade gift-perfect? Nothing better. So resist the temptation to buy a gift card or a scarf and stop by her website to give someone something really special.




Monday, December 10, 2007

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Maybe we don't have it so bad?
I heard a good one the other day:
Where do Eric Ripert, Jean-Georges, and Daniel Boulud go to get theie chef coats cleaned?
The French Laundry! (zing)

Get it? OK, so that wasn't the best joke. Maybe you've heard better? Then share!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Several Things About December

What a week! I will spare you the details of my stressful week because I imagine that you have had one too. December sure seems to be taking a toll on everyone. And it's sad too because now my chefhusband says he is starting to hate holidays. I can't blame him though. This time of year is great for business, especially in New York, but that means more private parties and more hours of work each night. And on top of all that, he is working while everyone else gets to relax around a fire and attend quaint holiday parties with red and gold sweaters and cheese trays.

Jean-Georges, if you are reading this-how about closing on a holiday? Just one?

Ha! I can't even type that with a straight face because so much revenue get pulled in on holidays. I just want my man around for Christmas and or New Years. This year will be no different though-ringing in 2008 while sleeping on the sofa waiting for my man. But I'm tough-I can handle it. Thank goodness for family! Then again, maybe I'll come back from Ohio early to pop into Perry St. at midnight to capture a glimpse of my chef while he's at work.


I do have to share two PERFECT gifts for anyone.

A personal calendar from CreatePhotoCalendars. They did a fantastic job with my annual calendar I give to my parents. I know that nearly every photo printer (shutterfly, walmart, Kodak) provide calendars you can make-but this one is the best with up to 9 pictures on a month and tons of borders to choose from.

While I'm giving away free plugs-my father's music makes a great gift as well.
Not that I'm boasting or anything but he's been on Johnny Carson twice, nominated for a couple Grammys, and played for 3 US presidents. Us Records has the best soothing piano music and instrumental cds to add that special touch to your holiday party. Man, I should be a door to door saleswoman.

Well its 7:30 on a Friday night and I think I'm going to play me some Nintendo Wii before falling asleep on the beloved sofa.



Monday, December 3, 2007


Photo Source: Eater.com
This past Saturday night I was lucky enough to turn my usual duo of wives into a trio at Maremma on W 10th between Bleeker and Hudson. I met a newlywed chefwife, M to share pasta and tiramisu with.
The staff at Maremma is one worth writing about. I had originally made a ressy for 6 people and it quickly dwindled down to a cozy three. I was worried about being charged for not bringing my whole party but after calling the reservationist several times and bothering the hell out her we worked it all out. She was more than kind and her voice actually seemed happy to be speaking with me. The smiles didn't stop there. Both hostesses (and maybe the same reservationsist I spoke with on the phone) were kind and bubbly when I arrived. Though I was late no thank you to the broken downtown 1 line. Nightmare.
And as far as food goes I enjoyed myself and will be back for more-probably bringing the chefhusband. We were practically buried in wines and appetizers and a trio of desserts picked out by the personable Chef Cesare Casella himself who was flaunting a chef coat pocket of fresh herbs. (even after hours in his street clothes shirt pocket) We each ordered a pasta to warm us up: the pescatora, moonshine, and I had the special of rigatoni with bacon and red onion. I wish I had a bigger bowl it was so good. Simplistic and tasty-just how I like.
So-go there, it's worth it. It's the place on 10th with the lime green doors and bubbly hostesses.