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Friday, November 9, 2012

The Storm

I've been trying to think of the best way to write after the hurricane. In good conscience, I just can't give you a play-by-play of my situation. Compared to my neighbors, coworkers, and my Jersey City community, I was merely inconvenienced. I want to tell you about the amazing things happening all over Jersey City and New York that are building our communities back up, but I'm going to stick to one family tonight: The Langello/Bowden family. (Which is really three families, but still.)

When Hurricane Sandy was at its worst, it claimed the homes of my friends Hilary and Jimmy Bowden, as well as Jimmy's brother Chris and Tabitha Bowden, and Tabitha's sister and brother-in-law, Frank and Samantha Langello. They say terrible things come in threes; what a horrible trio of events. All three families have BEAUTIFUL children as well, God Bless them. These stories touch my heart personally because Hilary Bowden is dear, dear friend of mine. And on top of that, Frank Langello is the executive chef at NYC's Babbo. The culinary industry is a family all its own.

Babbo Ristorante is holding a fundraiser for Frank and his wife, Samantha. Delicious food for a great cause, you can't go wrong. See below for details.

If you are able to give something, please click the following links:

Donate to Jimmy and Hilary Bowden and Chris and Tabitha Bowden

Hilary Bowden's home in Staten Island. Look carefully at the line of mud, that line indicates the height of the water. 

Donate to Frank and Samantha Langello

Food is Love,