Speak Up

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lonely Sunday

It's Sunday and Erik has to work. Boo hoo! His sous chef took the day off and I haven't had a Sunday alone in a long time. Why does it feel so much different than a weekday? Lame TV lineup? Sad rainy weather? Whatever it is, I'm never going back to Sundays alone. This sucks. It's only 11 am and I already accomplished all I needed to do, which included doing my nails and making iced tea. What a to-do list. I know there is work stuff I could be doing, but I'm feeling unmotivated. Mulan is on Toon Disney and I haven't seen this one in a while, so it looks like this is it. Erik took the car to work so I can't stray too far from home either. Hmm.



Jennifer Queen of Moser said...

I feel ya girl. My chef has been working every Sunday for the past few months (he usually has Sun. Mon. but has to work because they're so busy during the summer). As if Saturday wasn't bad enough, Sunday is the real clincher. Hang in there!

Nancy said...

Hi! I discovered this blog recently and was so excited to see I'm not the only one and that other wives and girlfriends make it work with their chefs. Sometimes I find it so hard, like today.
You are lucky that you usually get to see your chef on Sundays... mine (line cook) always works on fridays, saturdays AND sundays, while I work long hours during the week. We basically get to see each other 2 week nights (after a long day at work) and for breakfast saturday morning. I love him, but sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.. :( It's so good to see that there are people who understand.

NA, Ottawa, Canada

NikkiBee said...

girl, I wish I lived closer - then we could have a girls day. I dont know if I told you but J is a Private chef on a yacht - so not only is he always working, he is sometimes out of the country!

ugh. Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

Since the Picnic Club seems to be on hiatus (at the height of picnic season?), the Desperate Chefs' Wives should have their own. I'm in.