Wylie Dufresne won the tofu competition hosted by House Foods and The Gohan Society. I can't think of another chef that Erik would be grateful to come in second to. Wylie does such innovative and brilliant things with food. Erik trailed Wylie by one ONE POINT! The four chefs had to make two dishes, one sweet and one savory each using organic tofu. Each dish was judged out of thirty points by Andrea Strong, Michael Romano, and Peter Berley. I was sitting at the table next to them and heard so many wonderful comments about Erik's fried tofu dish. I was floored. I've heard and experienced Erik's food as amazing, but to hear the words out of people intentionally judging his food was very satisfying. I felt as if everything we've both worked for has been done in all the right ways.
sous chef for a day, and our good friend Tyler Kord
At the end of the evening it was Wylie who walked away with the giant novelty check, but soon after he accepted first place Michael Romano spoke very highly of one particular dish: Erik's fried tofu with crispy morels and sweet corn. That was the best reward of all. A perfect end to a competition we both lost a little sleep over.
Erik's fried tofu with crispy morels and sweet corn.
I want to thank everyone who put together this competition. It was so organized, entertaining and fun. The audience was able to taste the food and everyone had a great time chatting up their favorites. House Foods and The Gohan Society have been wonderful to work with. Mike Colameco was such a fantastic emcee. He interviewed the chefs while the cooked and there was a live feed to the space where the press and consumers where. Erik couldn't have done it without the help of Tyler Kord. Thanks TK.
Strong, Romano, and Berley
I'm so proud of my chef! Erik, I love you!
Erik serves Andrea Strong the fried tofu.
This is the kind of stuff that makes it worthwhile!
Congratulation! It's nice to see his work be recognized in the spotlight.
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