Every year my school holds several fundraisers. And before you run for cover, I'm not asking for any money. I need your creative genius. Since more than half of my class participated in the last fundraiser, I get the chance to participate in a teacher vs. teacher pig race and pig beauty pageant. The winner of each gets $100 to spend on their classroom.
Last year I lost the race and my super Punk Rock Pig was beaten by a pig in a Superman dog t-shirt. My pig had a tri-colored Mohawk, two different earrings, a rock and roll t-shirt with studs and safety pins, and pleather pants. I was SO mad when I didn't win. But I'm going for it again and I want to win that $100! So my big idea is to make an Obama Pig! My students all adore him and I think it will be a big hit. Any ideas on how to decorate my pig to look like our president elect.
If you've got any different ideas for pigs I'll take them too. Some other teachers are doing American Idol pig, Michael Phelps pig, and and Irish pig. What about a High School Musical Pig? I also thought about doing a school pig and putting it in the students' school uniform, but that's not very fun. HELP!

Punk Rock Pig!

Maybe you can get an Obama halloween mask cheap now that halloween is over.
Oh I love the punk rock pig! So cute.
JC_DCW Dalas
Definitely a cute little suit, tie, and an Obama pin!
I think your punk rock pig totally should have won! How about a chef pig?
i think you may be onto something with a high school musical pig, how to pull that off though? that's a toughie. i don't think i'm being very helpful...
Did you know that you can buy a "teenage hottie" wig? (Aka Zac Efron hair). Put that on your pig for your HSM pig!!!
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