I've been neglecting this blog but certainly not because I want to. I got a monster cough this week and nearly lost my voice. I sound scratchy and I cough roughly 759 times a day, but I feel fine now. The good thing is, I've got all my Christmas shopping done, my lesson plans for the first week in January are finished, and my students performed like rock stars at their holiday show.
Tuesday is the last day of school before break and I'm driving out to Ohio that day.
"...Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays..."
What is everyone else doing to celebrate? My chef is working of course, but that's my life and its okay that way.
Amazingly, it appears my husband has Christmas Eve off and the restaurant is closed Christmas day. That means we get to drive to Virginia and spend the holiday with our families. Woo hoo! This is a very pleasant, unexpected surprise.
My chef is off the 22, 24, and 25th this year...incredible! We'll go down to my parents' for the day and see my uncle and, of course, do a big, fancy meal!
My chef will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I left him at home last year and felt so guilty about it that I can't bear to leave again this year. I'm pretty bummed about it too because it's my niece's first Christmas and my great-grandmother is aging more and more everyday. So...I'll have Christmas dinner with my neighbors and open presents with my husband sometime during his 10-hour break from Christmas service.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Jessica DCW_Dallas
Have just discovered this blog and it's now in my favourites. My chef and I have been married for almost 3 years now and I still find it very hard sometimes. We've moved near his place of work so he gets in by 11.30pm instead of 2am - but he slumps in front of the TV instead of talking to me (when I wait up). I know it's unfair to stress him out by complaining but I really am very lonely. And I feel rotten when he'll watch TV for 2 hours but fall asleep while I'm talking. He has the 25th off for the first time since we've been married but he'll probably pop in for 4-5 hours to make sure service goes ok. Such is life. :)
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