Speak Up

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tell Me What YOU Think!

I will try to make this post sound as objective as possible without getting too personal about my chef-otherwise he'll make me delete this post and I really your help!

It seems to me that my chef is in a really grumpy mood when he gets out of work, especially on Saturday nights. Now, when he comes home to find me sleeping he's fine: a great guy-listens to my day, tells me about his, we veg out- it's great. But when he meets up with me after work on a Saturday he turns into an old grump.

Do your chefs get moody after work?

Mine does. I'm beginning to think that meeting up with him is a huge mistake on Saturday nights. I'm just so tempted because its so convenient. We often gather near his restaurant, we are done for the night right around the time that he gets off, and I also feel more safe traveling home with him instead of by myself.

Please help me ladies. This chefwife is desperate for some advice.



Anonymous said...

I barely speak to my husband during the work week because he's usually very stressed out and very grumpy. He seems to need time to decompress so I leave him alone and make no demands on him until he's human again.Decompression time is key and it may not happen until a good nights sleep.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya...My chef much prefers to veg out. If by chance there is a Saturday night plan it needs to basically be something we are obligated to attend - otherwise there is a complete meltdown of social skills. If it is something that has to do with me, my job or friends/family - sometimes I feel bad to basically force him to attend. I've learned to socialize with him (with groups) on the weeknights he is off. Otherwise it is relax on the sofa time....

Hilary Battes said...

Thanks for all the advice. I guess we all need time to decompress. I know it's hard for me to come home on Mondays to find that I'm not alone to be able to do my normal routine "windown" from work. The joy of relationships and love. Ah....

Anonymous said...

Well, we have a 15 month old daughter so I'm usually in bed. We also live in the country so going out on Saturday nights when he finally gets home isn't really an option. I will tell you that my chef does really need time to decompress after work and that is usually in front of the TV with a glass of good scotch.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I find that I hardly talk to him at all unless it's day that he doesn't have to get up early or his full day off which is rare. But I just tip toe around him whenever he his grumpy cause I know it's mostly due to fact that he's just exhausted cause working in the kitchen is no easy task. So I don't push him to talk to me unless he wants to. I just wait for his good days.

Anonymous said...

Moody? Oh hell, yes! It seems like every day is either the worst day of his life or "not too bad" (which I guess means a good day?!)

I wish I had some advice, but the pathetic lack of a decent Saturday night outing is part of the package, it seems.

- a chefwife in FL