It's not even a secret anymore. Most everyone knows who actually knows me or him in person.
Well, stop reading this and get your yourself to the other street I love, Grub Street.
This blog is a place for wives, girlfriends, significant others, and anyone else stuck to a chef to come together and chirp to each other about how to deal with the nonsense that goes along with being the wife of a chef. I was struggling to live with a ghost of a husband who I never saw until I met two other chefs' wives that saved me. It was then that I realized there must be more who need love and support too, right? Hilary, First Lady Desperate Chefs'Wives instagram @hilarya25
Congrats! I love your website so much. Does your chef work for Jean Georges? Whoever your chef is, he's a lucky man. Keep up the good work!
-Bing- NYC
Does he?
He does a great job!!
(What did you expect??)
After searching extensively for clues on your website, ChefWife, I'm going to guess your chef works somewhere in the West Village. And it's definitely not Johnny I, he's not married. Am I getting close? (I was trying to post on grub st but I didn't feel like registering.)
West Village?
ding, ding, ding!
But where?
You're getting warmer.
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