Do you ever get the excuse: "I work a lot" or "I don't have time for that". I mean, I love my chef but sometimes I think he's immune to housework. And it's partly my fault because I enable him by cleaning up ALL the time. And to top it off I'll do something like let's say pay all the bills and he would never notice because I get the bills from the mailbox, pay them online, and file them away before he even comes home. He doesn't even see half the stuff I do.
Are you hearing me ladies? And I know it's not just chefs either. I imagine that doctors and lawyers and engineers and others who work "long hours" play up the same syndrome to their wives. Yes, my chefhusband does work an abnormal amount of hours as do yours-BUT what the hell does he think I do all day? Lay around watching Oprah and reading RedBook? I work more than full time as a teacher, plus all the work I bring home. PAH-LEEZ!
I just hope he doesn't read this and make me delete it like so many other in-the-heat-of-my-rage-posts.
Hang tough. You are right, it is routine that they get used to. You both have positions that have long hours. Just slow down a bit at home (if you can stand it) and then see what happens. Baby steps! I am sure it is not on purpose...just exhaustion.
Is that your tree? It is just beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your :)
My chef can not do anything himself. I swear he will not know how to answer if you ask him what his zip code is. I've witnessed this very situation before. He look at me, almost scared and confused. How do you not know your zip code?
I understand the frustration. Sometimes it really feels like if you want anything done, and done correctly, you must do it all yourself.
My chef can not do anything himself. I swear he will not know how to answer if you ask him what his zip code is. I've witnessed this very situation before. He look at me, almost scared and confused. How do you not know your zip code?
I understand the frustration. Sometimes it really feels like if you want anything done, and done correctly, you must do it all yourself.
One of the things that really gets me steamed is when he goes out to unwind after a long week and ends up spending his only day off hungover. No quality time whatsoever, and then I'm waiting on him because he can't get out of bed for a glass of water. It's really irritating.
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