Since I have the rights to it's my responsibility to keep the website going. Well, let me tell you about my Sunday evening nightmare. I've been getting email reminders that I need to renew my domain registration. BUT I DID! And I have the receipt for it too. So I thought nothing of it until my website was shut down and it was taken over by some scamming search engine with my blog name! I was fuming! So I tried about a million ways to get the website back and nothing was working. I was in such a rage that I threw my laptop on the floor (trying to prove I was mad, not trying to actually do any damage) and now it won't turn on!! I am freaking out! Meanwhile, the website is back on, I guess google finally got it together. I am so grateful that Erik bought the Mac I'm typing on now. I'm bringing my laptop to the school's IT guy tomorrow and hopefully it will be ready by the weekend. If I had no computer...I'd probably suffer miserably. Luckily, I've got my iPhone, just in case.
Yes, I was wondering what happened when I couldn't access your website! Good to know it is back up, and good luck with fixing your laptop!
Thanks God you're back. We thought that you had become a naughty desperate chef wife. PS. My chef-husband is becoming a fan of your page.
Sincerely, Puertorican Desperate chefwife!!!
Oh, no! Good luck with the damaged computer!
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