Speak Up

Monday, February 16, 2009

Meaning of Desperate

I don't like that I've become some doting wife whose only hobby relies on the career of her husband. After all, he doesn't run a blog dedicated to being married to a teacher.


Clarification: 2/17/09

I'm quite happy with everything and this blog really did save my life. But I guess sometimes I wish I didn't need to be saved in the first place. Then again, if the tables were turned, and he needed support because I was working all the time-well he'd never survive. So it seems things are exactly the way they need to be. Yay.


Anonymous said...

Please don't feel bad...look who else had to spend V-day without her hubbie??!!!



Hilary Battes said...

it's not as much about being alone as it about feeling unimportant and invisible.

Anonymous said...

BUT, through the mini-community you've created with your blog, you've helped chefwives everywhere become slightly less desperate.

Anonymous said...

BUT, through the mini-community you've created with your blog, you've helped chefwives everywhere become slightly less desperate.

Anonymous said...

BUT, through the mini-community you've created with your blog, you've helped chefwives everywhere become slightly less desperate.

Anonymous said...

...and I felt it so strongly, I had to say it three times. Sorry.

Frequent Traveler said...

You've helped lots of women who otherwise felt alone and isolated in that same predicament.

Go and create other activities and interests for yourself. He won't be the sun and the moon of your orbit if you're too busy to notice !

Hilary Battes said...

Thanks ladies. You're all wonderful.

Anonymous said...

hi there,
i love your blog, it says everything about the title....im married to a chef for almost 7 years now, been used of not spending xmas and new years and all other special occasions, no regular holidays, moving from one country to another..... thank you for creating this. this will be my daily refuge.

Anonymous said...

And you are also a teacher whom without, your students would be very sad-I am sure.



Unknown said...

Everybody has bad days. Sometimes it's hard to be supportive emotionally when you need that support yourself. Hope you're having a better day.

Unknown said...

Have the man show his love with a litle eggs Benedict for breakfast. Mine did this morning, and it made him not getting home till 1 a.m. on Saturday totally worth it. =)

Anonymous said...

I'm always a bit behind on these comments, sorry.

I think we'd all forgive you if occassionally you wanted to write about something not related to chef or cheffing or restaurants - i.e, "I highly recommend (hobby X) as a great way to spend your nights alone..." (telling us a bit about that).