Many of you have been inquiring about ways to connect with other chefswives in your area. This is a fabulous idea. In fact, that is how this blog was started. My two good friends who were also dating chefs helped me so much that I knew others could use the support as well. Validation seems to be the key sentiment around here. The trouble is, I don't keep a log of readers. BUT I am going to do my best to help you get in touch with one another. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share them with me.
There are two ways we can get connected.
1. Leave a comment here on this post with your name, city and state (country if applicable), and your email. I suggest writing it out in this format to avoid Internet scams and nonsense:
desperatechefswives [at] gmail [dot] com

2. You can also head on over to my friend Kerilyn Russo's website
Married to a Chef and become a
member of her village. This membership includes several goodies including membership to her private Facebook group. This group is a great way to post concerns, dilemmas, and accomplishments while getting feedback from other women connected to chefs.
Food is Love,
I doubt there's any chefgirlfriends living in sydney! - but I just wanted to say I've been reading your blog for over a year now and I absolutely love it. Luckily my boyfriend decided he wants a life and to spend time with me too so will hopefully be going into the development side of food. I still have around a year or so to go with him working 80 hours a week- and it's bloody hard so I think you girls are amazing for accepting the lifestyle. I hate it when my 9-5 friends/family advise me to 'have my own life and independence' when I get down or sad or lonely, they mean well and to some extent it's true but they just don't understand! So thanks for creating this blog Hilary <3 - Gina X
I have been reading your blog for ages! I used to be in Omaha, Nebraska but we are now in Arlington, TX
Dcwjessica (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm new too this blog and the new girlfriend of a chef.
I'm in Houston TX. When we started dating he was on medical leave and just recently went back to work. He warned me about the relationship he has with work. So far I'm doing alright. I know happy work makes him so I'm trying to be as supportive as I can and work around his schedule since I'm a 7-5.
Hiya!!! I am a chefs girlfriend living in England, my goodness i cannot tell you how happy i am to have found this blog! I was beginning to go a tiny bit crazy.
My name is Rhiann and my email is
rhiann.maclachlan (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk
I have facebook too, and i would be so happy for anyone to say hello!
thank you!!!!!!!!
Hi there! My husband is a chef and we live in NYC. Thanks for this blog!
My name is Janet and my email is:
I am so happy to have found all of you! I am currently engaged to a future chef. We are getting married next September and he will be done with culinary school next May. As the wedding becomes more real, so do the realities of life with a chef. As it is he is working full time and going to school full time. I see him 2 days a week if I am lucky. I am dreading how it will be when he is actually working in a restaurant. I can't wait to connect with all of you!
Diane, South Bend, IN bsbdiane [at] email [dot] com.
Bangkok now started in Vancouver Canada, then AUS. then NZ
rochelle_watters (at) hotmail (dot)com
11 year old daughter -I seriously don't know if I can do it anymore :( and love him -we both do
Hi All, I'm new to this page, but i need some support.. i'm recently married to my wife (only a year) and its been a year from hell.. I maybe get to see her two days a week if i am lucky, otherwise, i am doing everything else, working full time, planning for a future, taking care of everything at home and all our fur babies. Its just so hard sometimes to go through something alone, always feeling alone.. i'm just not feeling important or that i'm number one cause something is always happening at the restaurant that comes before me. she is so passionate about this career and i want to support it but she feels like she cant talk to me about work cause i just get mad and don't understand.. i hate the fighting but someone i want to be first. or at least somehow get back to that dating phase cause at least then i felt special even if i only saw her once a week.
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