Speak Up

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Power of Rock

With only one more episode of Hell's Kitchen left I am delighted to say that Rock made it to the final 2. Furthermore, there is no doubt in my mind that the executive chef will take it all over the nanny/personal chef from Agoura 'like whatever' Hills, CA.
I also couldn't have been more elated when Rock gave a shout out to his beautiful chefwive.
After having words with Jen in the previous service, Rock takes the time to pull her aside. "...Whatever happened I didn't like the way you talked to me but I apologize for what I said, what I did" After a forgiving hug with Jen, Rock follows with, "I am a firm believer in trying to clear the air. I learned that through messing up with my wife" That's right, Rock! He must have also heard the phrase, once given to my chef just before our wedding, "Happy Wive, Happy Life". Oh how true that is.

I was just glad to see that a professional chef recognizes the power of a peaceful workplace and swallowing pride for the greater good. Not to mention the fact that he gave some credit-however small-to his chefwife.
But the best part? After learning that he and Bonnie have become the final 2 he turns around to see his stunning wife. Hugging his wife he wonders if they will have the opportunity for a conjugal. I hope they did.

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