Speak Up

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Calling All Wives!

Lauren, a writer I recently met, is writing an article and would like some input from wives/girlfriends of chefs and other restaurant people. See her note below.

Four years ago, my father's close friend, a chef, committed suicide by driving his car down the wrong side of the interstate and crashing into an 18-wheeler. He died almost instantly. His two small children in the back seat of the car were not hurt. At the time, I wondered what could drive a person to do this and if it had anything to do with the ups and downs of his culinary career.

I am now writing an article about substance abuse and depression in the food service industry. I know it's prevalent - government studies have confirmed that - but I don't think the general public is really aware of these trends.

I am looking for chefs in the NYC area who have struggled with alcohol, depression and/or drug use on the job. I am looking for candid stories from people who don't mind talking on the record.

The article is being edited by an editor at New York Magazine, and will be pitched to another publication later this spring.

The best way to reach me is laurensausser@gmail.com

Thanks, Lauren

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